Golf Regulations


The Desert Greens Golf Club Committee would like to thank everyone for taking the little bit of extra time, fixing ball marks, divots, and minding the trash, and we hope you have an enjoyable round.



GOLF ETIQUETTE: Players should always show consideration for other players on the course, and should not disturb their play by moving, talking, or making unnecessary noise. Players should ensure that any electronic device taken onto the course does not distract other players. On the teeing ground, the player should not tee his ball until it is his/her turn to play.

Note. Players should not stand close to or directly behind another player’s ball, or directly behind the hole, when the other player is about to play.



We have had incidents where golfers have been hit by a ball!! Please make sure the players ahead of you have completely cleared the areas around the green (including the cart path) before teeing off. Any of us can occasionally hit an errant shot, so please be patient and safe, not sorry.

There are several holes (#7 for example) where the tee box is vulnerable to errant tee shots from the previous hole. At least one member of the group should keep an eye on the group behind them - while they are teeing off.

MAINTENANCE CREW: Finally, our maintenance crew makes every effort to stay out of our way during league play. So, if you are playing a round of golf, please show our maintenance crew the same respect. If you come to a hole where maintenance people are working, just move on to the next hole and avoid any chance of injury to our workers. We cannot cut and clean the course any earlier than 6:00 am in the summer... Our neighbors along the course appreciate it. If you are playing before league start time, please allow the crew to continue their work and go around them.

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Speed limit on the course is 5 mph. Please watch for the sprinkler heads along the cart path. Avoid shortcuts across the lawn by the tees.

Please use caution and pay attention to speed when on the cart paths. Rocks are being thrown onto the golf course grass. This can cause rocks to get caught and thrown by mower blades, which can be very dangerous! When approaching aprons to the streets on holes 3/12, 5/14, and 7/16, Please slowdown. Skidding into the aprons throws rocks to the side and onto the grass.


League start time for the month is determined by the golfers and posted on the information board at the clubhouse

Please check in with the starter at least 15 minutes prior to start time.

• • • •

Men's league plays On Tuesday and Friday. The entry fee is $3. Women' league plays on Monday and Thursday. The entry fee is $1. Mixed League stroke play on Sunday. The entry fee for Sunday is $3. Mixed scramble on Saturday. The entry fee for Saturday is $4.

Golfers may elect to pay only the $1.00 maintenance fee (included in above fees) for league play to use their scores for handicap purposes, but will not be eligible for payouts, including for closest to pin prizes.

The $1.00 fee is split 50/50 between the maintenance fund and the player’s fund. The maintenance fund is for the annual holiday bonus for the maintenance crew, and the Players fund is for expenses incurred during the year for tournaments, flags, and miscellaneous golf course supplies.

STARTERS: Starters are in charge of the day. League play starters are responsible for collecting the fees, verifying handicaps, assigning the players to their starting hole, and figuring payouts for the winners of the day.
Scramble, the starter will determine the teams and the rules for the day. It is also up to the discretion of the starter who may or may not play in the scramble.

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Guest Fees and Rules:

The fee for guest players is $10.00, regardless of the number of holes played. That fee is to be placed in the honor box on the first tee. No fee is charged for immediate family members of a resident.
Immediate family for the purpose of this regulation is defined as: owners/lessee’s, parents, sons, daughters, siblings, grandchildren, and their spouses.

Remember, no guest is allowed to play without a Desert Greens resident accompanying them. If you don't play golf, you must either be with them, or get a resident golfer to play with them. You, or the volunteer player, will be responsible to ensure that the guests follow all local rules and fix their divots and ball marks!

If players are seen on the course without a desert Greens golf tag, they will be approached and questioned. If you are a resident, please do not be offended if you are approached as we must keep non-residents off the course for the benefit of us all. If you don't have a golf Tag, please request one at the HOA office.

Non-Resident Golfers/Guests: Will not be allowed to play in the club championship, tournaments, or scrambles. They will be allowed to play in regular league play but will not be eligible for prize money or have handicaps maintained. They also must pay $10 green fees (unless they are an immediate family member of the resident) and be invited by and play with a resident. You are welcome to follow the players in the Saturday scramble with your guest but will not be eligible for any prizes.


Handicap flags: Flags are available for those who need them for their golf cart. You must present an official NV DMV authorization letter. (Comes with your plate/placard) for a disabled license plate/placard/sticker or a letter from your doctor. The flags are available from the golf Committee, Treasurer, or chairperson at cost. Cost is $25.

Only golf carts with official handicap flags will be allowed off cart paths and they must follow the 90-degree rule. In other words, enter the fairway at the nearest point perpendicular to your ball and, after your shot, return to the cart path.

In no event are carts to be driven closer than 15 feet from a green or a bunker. Avoid areas that appear wet or soft, i.e., standing water, to prevent leaving track marks. When on the CART path, use extreme care to avoid hitting porches, particularly when near the #2/11 tee box area where the cart path is narrow.

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Desert Greens handicaps are computed using the USGA Handicap rules based on the best ten of your last 20 rounds based on our current program. Because we are a par 54 course, D.G. Handicaps cannot be used at other courses.

You must have a current handicap to participate in the Club Championship or any of the league tournaments for prizes, including closest to the pin prizes in league play.

• Establishing a Handicap: A minimum of five (5) rounds of play are needed to establish a handicap. To obtain the five (5) rounds required to qualify for a handicap you can

a. go out with the league golfers and just pay the dollar maintenance fee (you will not qualify for any payouts) or

b. play with two (2) league golfers that can attest your score. This does not need to be done during league play.

New handicap cards are posted every other Sunday by the scoreboard.

Maintaining a Handicap To maintain a Desert Greens Handicap, you will need to play (2) two rounds of league play per month, this is required to maintain your handicap.

Re-Establishing a Handicap, you will need to play three (3) rounds of league play and that will be added to your original scores to calculate your updated handicap. i.e., snowbirds.

If you do not post any scores for any 12-month period, you will be removed from the handicap roster and will need to submit 5 rounds to establish a new handicap.

Local Exception for Establishing Handicap For residents who are unable to play 18 consecutive holes

to establish a handicap, the following rule will apply:

Golfer may play 9 holes on one day and 9 on another. The golfer must play 9 holes on two separate days within a (7) seven period.

Golfer must use the yellow tees on the first 9 and the red tees on the on the second 9. Both nines need to be on one scorecard with dates and totals and must be attested to by another league player.

Golfer may not play another round in between the two 9–hole rounds and must pay the $1.00 maintenance fee for each 9-hole round.

  • Scores improving faster than the handicap system can react

  • Temporary disability (local handicap only) •

Handicaps are based on the assumption that every player will endeavor to make the best score

they can at each hole in every round they play. The committee reserves the right, under USGA

rules, to adjust a player’s handicap in the following circumstances:

Player manipulates round(s) – does not make best effort

If a player shoots under “50” with their handicap, their handicap will go down 2 strokes

until the next handicap card comes out. A handicap of zero (0) is as low as you can go.

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HITTING A HOUSE: If you hit a house, you should politely discuss it with the homeowner to make sure you have not caused damage to the house. If you hit a house and the homeowner is not home, you should leave a message with the HOA Office stating the date, time and what house you hit. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PLAYERS TO PAY FOR DAMAGE THEY CAUSE TO ANOTHER’S PROPERTY. Also, never go onto a homeowner’s property to retrieve an errant ball without the homeowner’s permission. If you cannot reach it with your retriever – it is a lost ball!

BALL MARKS We continue to see many un-repaired ball marks on the greens. We don’t have a lot of golfers here at Desert Greens, so we all need to do a better job of fixing our marks! A mark has NOT been repaired unless you look at it and would be comfortable having to putt over it the next time you play the hole.

As you are walking across the greens look for marks that have been missed or not completely repaired. The hardest ones to remember are when you hit the green and bounce or roll off the green. So, even if your ball ends up in the rough, be sure to check for your mark on the green.

DIVOTS It is the responsibility of every player to fill in their divots. If a piece of sod is intact it should be retrieved, placed in the divot and tamped down. Otherwise, the divot should be filled, level to the surrounding ground, with a mixture of sand & seed. This mixture of sand & seed is provided in a plastic bottle and is available at every tee box area. Once used, the plastic bottle should be returned to its original holder.

Please remember to pick up broken tees from the tee box area and discard them in the waste baskets provided. Broken tees cause havoc with mowers.

WINTER RULES Winter rules are played year-round.
If a ball is muddy or plugged, it may be lifted, cleaned, and replaced within the length of a scorecard from the original spot. This applies anywhere on the course except in a sand trap/bunker. Otherwise, play the ball as it lies. “Ready Golf” is also played except when giving honors to Birdies and Aces.

FREE DROPS If a player's swing is obstructed by a man-made object (retaining wall, flags, rope line, tree stakes, etc.) or if the ball is lying in an area: a) under repair, b) in casual water, c) on a cart path, d) in a position where the player would be standing on the path, or e) a place that puts a player at risk of falling, the player may take a free drop within two club lengths that is no closer to the pin. Casual water is any temporary accumulation of water on the course, which is not in a water hazard.

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PUTTING Putt out all holes-no gimmies. A player must play the same ball from the tee through the green. A player may not substitute another ball for putting. A ball on the green or fringe areas may be moved laterally, no nearer to the hole, to avoid damaged areas on the green

When putting, a player may request another player’s ball be marked and lifted. If a ball played from the putting green hits another ball on the putting green, the person making the stroke incurs a penalty of two (2) strokes in medal/stroke play, and loss of the hole in match play.


Max number of strokes is six (6) per hole. If a player completes a 5th stroke, and the ball is not in the hole, the player must pick up the ball and take a six (6) on that hole.
Maximum eight (8) for Club Championship tournament play.


Yellow tee boxes are used for holes #1 through 9, and red tee boxes for holes #10 through 18. An exception is granted to women golfers, and male golfers with handicaps of fifteen (15) or higher. They may use the red tees on holes #7 and #9 and the yellow tees on hole #13, Orange tee on #4 for the Ladies.

For male golfers 80 years and older, you must use the red tees on holes #7 and #9 and the yellow tee on hole #13, failure to do so will result in a disqualification for that round.


Player playing the wrong ball incurs a two (2) stroke penalty. The player that hit the wrong ball, must then play his correct ball, and the other player should drop a ball near as possible to where the wrong ball was hit from.

If you are in the sand, you may drop your ball behind the sand trap, no closer to the hole. 2 stroke penalty. No grounding clubs in the sand trap. After smoothing traps, rakes to be outside the trap, online to the hole, and on farthest side from the flag.


If the ball is hit into the water on your tee shot (does not clear the hazard), under the penalty of one stroke the ball may be:

  • Re-teed and hit from the original spot. (tee box) (USGA Rule 14-6-A)

  • Dropped behind the water hazard, on a line running through the hole and the spot where

    the ball crossed the hazard line.

  • Played from the designated drop area. 1 stroke penalty (holes #4, #7, #9, & #13).

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  • All areas lateral to the edge of the fairways or in a street shall be considered OB, including areas of construction, and housing areas along the fairway.

  • If the ball lies behind a line running along the edges of the homes, to include landscaped areas or in between houses, it is considered OB.

  • Additionally on holes #3 & 12, and #7 &16, if the ball is hit across the street, it is OB even though it may still be on the golf course.

  • All shots determined to be OB/or a lost ball are to be re-hit from the original spot. Hitting 3.

  • Or hit from the spot the ball went OB/Lost and take a 2 (two) stroke penalty. Hitting 4.

  • If a player is unsure of the ball being OB/Lost, then a provisional ball should be hit. A provisional

    ball must be declared to a playing companion. Otherwise, that ball becomes the ball in play

with a one (1) stroke penalty no matter where the first ball landed.

  • If a player has not hit a provisional ball, and that player is OB, the player may return to the

    original position from which the ball was hit and re-hit with one (1) stroke penalty. Hitting 3.

  • Or hit from the spot the ball went OB/or lost and take a 2 (two) stroke penalty. Hitting 4.

  • Decorative rock areas beyond holes #5/14 & #9/18 are considered OB. A ball on the grass near

    the border for these rock areas may be moved one club length no closer to pin without penalty.

The rock-lined ditch behind hole #8/17 is considered an unplayable lie. Drop ball within one club length of ditch no closer to pin with one (1) stroke penalty.



1. DROP AREA for Hole #1/#10 If your ball ends up on the steep hill on the back of the green, you may either play it where it lies or use the drop area located off the back left area of the green with no penalty.

If your tee shot goes into the pond, you may use the drop area incurring a one (1) stroke penalty.

2. DROPAREAforHole#2/11:Ifyouhityourballinthepondusethedesignateddroparea in the middle of the fairway, hitting 3. If your tee shot hits the bank and goes back in the

pond, you may take relief where your ball hit the bank or use the Drop Zone – hitting 3

from either position.
3. DROP AREA for hole #4/#13 If your tee shot goes in the pond, you must use the drop

area located on the right side and short of the green. (1) stroke penalty.

If your ball ends up on the hill in front of the green, you may either play it where it lies or use the drop area located just left of the green with no penalty.

If your ball hits the bank in front of the green and ends up in the pond, you may replace it

where it hit the bank, or use the Drop Area on the left side of the green. (1) ) stroke


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4. DROP AREA for Hole #7/#16

If your tee shot goes in the pond, you must use the drop area located on the left side and short of the green. One stroke penalty.

If your ball comes to rest close enough to the wall to impede your swing, you may use the drop area just left and short of the green with no penalty; or move the ball to a safe place by the wall no closer to the hole. No Penalty

If your tee shot hits the bank and goes into the pond, you may use the forward drop area incurring a one (1) stroke penalty.


If your ball ends up in the Big Pond use the drop zone near the bridge.(1) stroke penalty. If your ball ends up in the small ponds on top or the streams, use the appropriate drop

area. (1) stroke penalty.
If your ball hits the bank and goes back in the water, you may replace it where it hit the

bank or use the Drop Area by the bridge. (1) stroke penalty._______________________________________________________________________


Team Selection:
Saturday scramble will typically consist of three or four person teams. The format of the scramble to be played will be determined by the starter. Handicaps are not required for residents to play in the scramble.

The starter will collect the fees, decide the format, and put the teams together for the day.

  • In the event we have some (3) player teams: If playing 1-2-3 or 6 of each format, those teams will get one (1) extra attempt for each shot and/or putt – on every hole.

  • For the player taking the extra shots on a “closest to the pin” (KP) hole – ONLY the first tee shot will count towards the KP.

  • A hole-in-one will count on either tee shot but will not count if the team is hitting their 3rd shot from the tee box.

  • If the starter decides to use the 1st and 2nd closest/best format (no 3rd closest ) then teams will NOT be allowed to hit extra shots on any of the holes.

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  • The extra shot must be rotated equally among the remaining team members. The team must decide the player rotation prior to start of play.

  • When playing the Saturday scramble-the players from each team will begin from the appropriate tee box. All players will shoot from the same position for all subsequent shots, until one player gets the ball in the hole.

    Following are examples of some formats that can be played:

  1. 1, 2, 3 ball format requires six (6) of each, closest/best, second closest/best, or third

    closest/best ball. Can be played in sequence or pick six (6) of each.

  2. 1 & 2 ball format requires nine (9) of each. Closest/best ball can be played in sequence, odd or even holes, or be picked for nine of each.

  3. One (1) ball requires the closest/best ball on each hole to be played for all 18 holes. Additionally, other requirements may be necessary to meet specific formats being played as per the starter that day. i.e., certain number of tee shots needed from each player when playing closest/best ball format.

If a team is required to use a water ball (hitting 3 from the drop zone) or a ball out of bounds (hitting 3 from the tee), then ALL team members must hit from either the drop zone or appropriate tee box. Having met the requirement of selecting the proper second shot (plus a penalty stroke), all following A ball out of bounds would automatically be considered the farthest from the hole.

A ball in the water would be considered closer than a ball out of bounds, but farther from the hole than any other ball in play. A ball hitting the bank and rolling back in the water is closer than a ball out of bounds and water ball but farther than any other ball in play.

For example, from the tee, one player hits the ball on the green; second player hits the ball in the water; third and fourth players hit their balls out of bounds. On the first closest to the hole, the second shot would be from the location of the ball on the green. On the second closest hole, the second shot would be from the drop location (due to water ball) with a one stroke penalty (hitting 3rd shot). On the third closest hole, the second shot would be from the tee box (due to out of bound balls) with a one stroke penalty (hitting third shot).

After deciding which ball will be played and the spot is marked, the ball may be lifted, cleaned, and placed within 12 inches (length of a score card) of the original location. A ball may not be moved outside of a hazard. On the green, the ball may be placed within 4 inches (width of a score card) of the marker.

If a team must use a water ball, (hitting 3 from the drop zone) or a ball out of bounds (hitting 3 from the tee) - then ALL team members must hit from either the drop zone or appropriate tee box. Having met the requirements of selecting the proper second shot (plus a penalty stroke) - all following shots will be taken from the position of the ball closest to the hole.

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Players should be aware that with the 1 and 2 formats, it is possible to have consecutive odd & even number holes. Example: if a team starts on whole #2, then after playing whole #9 they will play hole #1, then hole #11 (all odd). Also, after playing hole #18 they will finish on hole #10 (both even).


Out of bounds: Re-tee from tee box, hitting three.
Ball in water: holes 4/13, 7/16, and 9/18; Hit from the appropriate drop zone - hitting three.

If ball crossed the water, hit land, and rolled back into the water; use special designated drop area -hitting three or replace where it hit land hitting 3.

Ball on cart path: take free relief from cart path. Drop ball, no closer to the hole, then - hitting two.

Balls “in play” (excluding out of bounds and water balls) are measured from where they lie not from where they will be dropped




Introduction – Golf Etiquette
Safety, Maintenance, Golf Carts
Rules & Regulations - Guests, Handicap Flags, Handicap Rules) Local Rules –

  • Hitting a house, Ball marks, Divots, Winter rules, Free drops

  • Putting, # Strokes, Teeing up, Wrong Ball, Sand traps,

  • Water hazards, OB/Lost ball,

  • Drop areas.

    Desert Greens Scramble Rules -Team election, Format, etc.

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